MinnesotaCare - State Health Insurance Program
MinnesotaCare - State Health Insurance Program
Phone: (800) 657-3672
(651) 297-3862 (Twin Cities)
(651) 282-5100 (fax)
TTY: (800) 627-3529 or 711
MinnesotaCare is the health insurance program designed to provide health insurance to children and teens, families, and some adults who may have too great an income or assets to qualify for Medicaid, but who may not be able to afford health insurance. Visit the Web site to find out if you or your child meets the income guidelines.
Who is eligible?
Minnesota residents who do not have access to affordable health insurance.
What are the income limits?
Income limits vary depending on family size.
Are there asset limits?
There is no asset limit for pregnant women and children under age 21. For all others, the asset limit is $10,000 for a single person and $20,000 for a family of two or more.
What services are paid?
Examples of covered health care services include doctor visits, hospitalization, prescriptions, eye exams, eye glasses, dental care.
What does it cost?
Enrollees pay a monthly premium based on their family’s income, size and number of family members covered.
How do I apply?
Fill out a Minnesota Health Care Programs application and send it to MinnesotaCare in St. Paul. Some counties enroll people in MinnesotaCare.