NH Medication Bridge Program
Eligibility Guidelines
Every major pharmaceutical company has a Patient Assistance Program that offers many of its medications free or at a reduced cost to eligible individuals. Eligibility requirements include:

* The patient must be a U.S. resident.

* The patient must not have any other type of prescription coverage, including Medicaid, VA, private insurance, etc.

* Household income generally must be less than 200% of poverty level, though this varies by company.

* Only long-term medications are covered.

Background Information:

The N.H. Medication Bridge Program is a private-public partnership of many organizations under the leadership of the Foundation for Healthy Communities. The Foundation for Healthy Communities is a non-profit organization that exists to improve health and health care. The goal of the program is to help eligible uninsured and underinsured patients of all ages to receive needed prescription medications from pharmaceutical companies’ Patient Assistance Programs.

We currently work with seventy sites across NH that assist people in accessing these medications. Our sites include hospitals, community health centers, physician offices, senior housing, ServiceLink, and non-profit organizations. Since January 2001, we have provided over 700,000 prescriptions valued at $175 million for over 16,000 individuals throughout the state.

What is the Role of Medication Bridge?

* To provide a communication link among all of the Medication Bridge sites in New Hampshire. This is accomplished by means of the Medication Bridge ListServ, which notifies members of daily changes in the Patient Assistance Programs. Members are also invited to attend regular network meetings where they can exchange information and ideas and hear presentations on new programs.

* To act as a resource center to provide information on all programs available to NH residents that provide assistance with prescription medications. Since the advent of Medicare Part D and the large retail generic drug market, our Medication Bridge sites have become vital links in assisting low-income families to sort through the various complex resources for prescription assistance.

* To publicize the availability of the Patient Assistance Programs. Medication Bridge has published, updated, and distributed over 25,000 copies of the brochure “NH Prescription Assistance Guide” to targeted agencies throughout the state. This brochure lists the NH Medication Bridge sites, as well as our website search tool where individuals can look up programs for their medications. In addition, presentations are given throughout the year to notify both consumers and service providers of the availability of the pharmaceutical programs.

Need in New Hampshire:

* An estimated 96,000 residents under the age of 65 are uninsured. (75% adults, 25% children)

* Approximately 45% of the uninsured under the age of 65 (43,200 residents) have a household income less than 200% of the federal poverty level

* An estimated 147,796 residents of NH are over the age of 65. None of them have prescription coverage through Medicare. Nationally only 52% of Medicare beneficiaries had continuous prescription coverage in the past 12 months

Foundation For Healthy Communities 125 Airport Road Concord, NH 03301
phone (603) 225-0900 · fax (603) 225-4346 · email: info@healthynh.com
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