Phosphate diabetes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
Phosphate diabetes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
Titre du document / Document title
Phosphate diabetes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
DE LORENZO F. (1) ; HARGREAVES J. (1) ; KAKKAR V. V. (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Beatrice Research Centre and the Thrombosis Research Institute, Emmanuel Kaye Building, Manresa Road, London SW3 6LR, ROYAUME-UNI
Résumé / Abstract
Phosphate depletion is associated with neuromuscular dysfunction due to changes in mitochondrial respiration that result in a defect of intracellular oxidative metabolism. Phosphate diabetes causes phosphate depletion due to abnormal renal re-absorption of phosphate by the proximal renal tubule. Most of the symptoms presented by patients with phosphate diabetes such as myalgia, fatigue and mild depression, are also common in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, but this differential diagnosis has not been considered. We investigated the possible association between chronic fatigue syndrome and phosphate diabetes in 87 patients who fulfilled the criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome. Control subjects were 37 volunteers, who explicitly denied fatigue and chronic illness on a screening questionnaire. Re-absorption of phosphate by the proximal renal tubule, phosphate clearance and renal threshold phosphate concentration were the main outcome measures in both groups. Of the 87 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, nine also fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for phosphate diabetes. In conclusion, we report a previously undefined relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome and phosphate diabetes. Phosphate diabetes should be considered in differential diagnosis with chronic fatigue syndrome; further studies are needed to investigate the incidence of phosphate diabetes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and the possible beneficial effect of vitamin D and oral phosphate supplements.
Revue / Journal Title
Postgraduate medical journal ISSN 0032-5473
Source / Source
1998, vol. 74, no870, pp. 229-232 (25 ref.)
Langue / Language
Editeur / Publisher
BMJ, London, ROYAUME-UNI (1925) (Revue)
Mots-clés anglais / English Keywords
Chronic fatigue syndrome ; Human ; Etiology ; Phosphates ; Diabetes mellitus ; Pathophysiology ; Renal tubule ; Renal function ; Kidney ; Treatment ; Clinical form ; Diagnosis ; Kidney disease ; Urinary system disease ;
Mots-clés français / French Keywords
Fatigue chronique syndrome ; Homme ; Etiologie ; Phosphate ; Diabète ; Physiopathologie ; Tube rénal ; Fonction rénale ; Rein ; Traitement ; Forme clinique ; Diagnostic ; Rein pathologie ; Appareil urinaire pathologie ;
Mots-clés espagnols / Spanish Keywords
Fatiga crónica síndrome ; Hombre ; Etiología ; Fosfato ; Diabetes ; Fisiopatología ; Túbulo renal ; Función renal ; Riñón ; Tratamiento ; Forma clínica ; Diagnóstico ; Riñón patología ; Aparato urinario patología ;
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