Schools That Parents Give an A+ for Exemplary Diabetic Student Care
Schools That Parents Give an A+ for Exemplary Diabetic Student Care

As Reported by Other Parents of Children With Diabetes


Tim Wysocki The Ten Keys to Helping Your Child With Diabetes
This second edition explores the wide range of physical, emotional, and psychological issues that affect diabetic children and helps parents deal with them. New to this edition are topics such as children living with type 2 diabetes and the special needs of children using an insulin pump. Wysocki, Ph.D. is the chief of the division of psychology and psychiatry at Nemours Children’s Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, and has been in practice for more than 20 years.

Wisconsin state law permits any non-licensed, health care staff workers to opt out of doing anything but giving oral pills. Using an epi-pen, a glucagon kit, or the latest seizure medicine, rectal Valium, is voluntary but many schools are now training staff to provide backup and emergency care when a nurse is not available.


Madison County Schools

Madison County, in general, has diabetes-friendly school policies and staff. Muir Elementary School was noted by parents of children with diabetes as being exceptionally responsive to the needs of their children. Grades: PK-5, Type: public, Enrollment: 478. 6602 Inner Dr, Madison, WI 53705, Dane County - Phone: (608) 663-817


Elisa B. Hendel - A Child in Your Care Has Diabetes
A 60+ page book filled with crucial information about diabetes; designed for teachers, caretakers, baby sitters or any individual seeking simplified information about this complex condition.

The pages inside this book, help to educate, organize and assist individuals in the care of an individual with diabetes. Information is presented in a straightforward manner. Each book should last forever. The charts and lists are left blank – to accommodate changes in treatment or other important information. It can be used by an entire school district, camp or organized group in the management of one child or several children with diabetes. This book is unique. There are presently no other books, concerning Children with Diabetes, quite like it.

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