South Carolina Diabetes Prevention and Control Program (SC DPCP)

South Carolina Diabetes Prevention and Control Program (SC DPCP)

2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201

The South Carolina Diabetes Prevention and Control Program (SC DPCP) was established in 1994 and sustained through funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The program is housed and managed within the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s (SC DHEC) Bureau of Community Health and Chronic Disease Prevention. Through partnerships and related community and statewide infrastructure interventions, the SC DPCP supports the following National Objectives:

* Establish and maintain measurement procedures to track program success, i.e., monitoring the burden of diabetes and surveillance.
* Demonstrate success in achieving an increase in the percentage of persons with diabetes in South Carolina who receives the following recommended services: foot and eye exams, influenza and pneumonia vaccinations, and hemoglobin A1c tests (at least 2x year).
* Demonstrate success in reducing health disparities for in the targeted populations (mainly African Americans and the elderly) with respect to diabetes prevention and control.
* Demonstrate success in establishing linkages to useful programs for promotion of wellness, physical activity, weight and blood pressure control, and smoking cessation.

Since a primary mission of the SC DPCP has been to ensure a coordinated approach to diabetes prevention and control efforts in SC, the SC DPCP will continue to establish linkages with key organizations in order to continue to collaborate with interested parties, gain access to needed expertise and ensure greater productivity and efficiency in expanding the Diabetes Division. The Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina (DSC) Board will continue to serve as a statewide policy advisory board for the SC DPCP, as well as for other diabetes prevention and control efforts linked together as part of the DSC. Also, by way of expanding and widening linkages, the SC DPCP will continue to collaborate with other internal and external programs and agencies such as DHEC’s Bureau of Community Health and Chronic Disease Prevention, regional health offices, and the Office of Minority Health; the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, Medicaid, Carolina Center for Medical Excellence, the South Carolina Bureau of Primary Health Care and the Community Health Centers, Physicians Offices, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Local Diabetes Coalitions, the Diabetes Today Advisory Council, the Medical University of South Carolina, REACH US: SEA-CEED (Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health),USC Prevention Research Center, Rural Health Organizations, and others.

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