St. Vincent Healthcare Diabetes Center
St. Vincent Healthcare Diabetes Center

The St. Vincent Healthcare Diabetes Center is dedicated to teaching adults and children with diabetes to become empowered to care for themselves properly. Our interdisciplinary team includes nurses, dietitians, physicians, pharmacists, physical therapists, a counselor and an American Diabetes Association representative. Five members of the Diabetes Team are Certified Diabetes Educators.

For more information about the Diabetes Center, please call 406-237-8500.
The Diabetes Self-Management Program

The more you know about diabetes, the more you can help yourself or a loved one with diabetes. We invite people with diabetes and their families to attend one of our Self Management Programs. The program includes lectures, discussions and practice periods, plus exercise, testing, insulin administration, and meals.

Program instructors include certified diabetes nurse and dietitian educators, pharmacist, physical therapists, counselor and other health professionals.

This diabetes patient education program has been awarded recognition by the American Diabetes Association in accordance with the national standards for Diabetes Patient Education Programs.

1233 North 30th Street
Billings, MT 59101

St. Vincent Healthcare © 2008.
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