Sugarbugs, Inc.
Sugarbugs, Inc.
Post Office Box 569
Greenbrier, TN 37073-0569
Phone: (615) 382.8400
Fax: (615) 382.8499
About Us
Sugarbugs, Inc. children with diabetes is a 501 © (3) Non-Profit Organization for the families of children with diabetes and other chronic illnesses. Sugarbugs provides many different types of services and programs through out the communities. Diabetes is a serious disease for anyone, but especially for a child. Most juvenile diabetics have to test blood sugars every 3 to 5 hours each day. This is not counting the injections after each meal and at bedtime. These children have learn at such an early stage in their lives the importance that every minute in their life is precious, and not to be taken for granted. Bowling, skating, sport activities and other childhood pleasures are so very important in any child’s life. Instead they must learn how to balance a delicate diet and insulin program to just live.
Sugarbugs is there to help these families of children with special needs to live as normal lives as possible, even with their disease. Clean syringes, lancets, insulin, and even food are hard to come by in many families. There are many children that are not in ideal homes and dealing with illnesses of such expenses and emotional stress is more than many families can withstand.
Sugarbugs works very close with state agencies, boards of educations, and other community related organizations to help keep them in school and in their biological homes. Often times abuse and neglect is present, along with these life threatening illnesses. Sugarbugs provides a place for teens who feel there is nowhere else to go. They are given opportunities to help themselves and others, by being counselors at camp programs and other support group surroundings.
Many adult diabetics have come to rely on Sugarbugs as well. They too need the support and services that are in place. A fixed income can be a life or death situation, when food or medicine is not available. The paperwork involved in funding either of these can be costly. Time is more valuable than anything. Until there is a cure…. There is Sugarbugs.
Mission Statement
To provide a network of support for families of children with diabetes and other chronic illnesses. To help them live as normal lives as possible, even with their disease.