Tennessee - ADA Camp Sugar Falls
Tennessee - ADA Camp Sugar Falls
pleaSant green Swim Club
goodlettSville, tn 37072-1708
Camp Sugar Falls is an American Diabetes Association day camp located at Pleasant Green Swim Club in Goodlettsville, TN just north of Nashville. Campers participate in arts and crafts, swimming, nutritional activities, athletics, games and diabetes education. The property includes large picnic and play areas, a pool staffed by the facility and buildings for all-purpose use. We also have a storage area for our supplies and equipment, plus a kitchen for the set-up of our snacks and use of a lodge area in case of rain. ADA provides all of the volunteer program and activity supervision, as well as the volunteer medical staff. The care is sensitive to the needs and concerns of the children, and integrates diabetes education at the same time. Camp Sugar Falls provides children with the opportunity to participate in recreational activities while developing independence and confidence in caring for their diabetes. One day of the week, a session for parents and children ages 5 and under is offered. Siblings are welcome.
Camp Dates: July 28 - August 1
Camper Ages: 6-12, plus one day for parents and children ages 5 and under.
Camp Fee: $55
Contact: Devin Bradford: 615-298-3066, ext. 3331.
The 2008 Camp Season is over
To receive a brochure for the 2009 Camp Season please contact dbradford@diabetes.org.