The Diabetes Center Foundation
The Diabetes Center Foundation
The Diabetes Center Foundation
P.O. Box 1980
Norfolk, VA 23501
Comprised of a dedicated Board of Directors and thousands of committed individuals, the Diabetes Institutes Foundation provides major support for the development of the pioneering research, cutting-edge patient care and comprehensive education programs of the Leonard R. Strelitz Diabetes Institutes of Eastern Virginia Medical School.
In 1985, Eastern Virginia Medical School responded to the growing incidence of diabetes in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia by establishing a diabetes program designed to bring state-of-the-art treatment to a broad base of people who were in critical need of specialized care.
The leadership of the medical school determined that successful development of the new diabetes program would require millions in capital and operational funding, and approached businessman and philanthropist Leonard Strelitz to head the campaign.
Under Mr. Strelitz’s leadership, a visionary group of prominent business leaders united in the common mission to build a medical center of excellence devoted to the research, treatment and education of diabetes and other endocrine disorders at the medical school. In 1988, they formed the Diabetes Institutes Foundation and began the task of bringing together philanthropists, civic groups, corporations, foundations and individuals toward that ambitious goal.
Understanding that cutting-edge patient care requires partnership with a strong research component, in 1990 the Diabetes Institutes Foundation and Eastern Virginia Medical School added a groundbreaking research program for the cure to diabetes and the prevention of its complications. Through the development of integrated research, patient care and education programs, the Diabetes Institutes soon became a sophisticated, internationally renowned medical center.
In recognition of the vital role Mr. Strelitz played in the founding and development of the Institutes, in 1998 Eastern Virginia Medical School named the center the Leonard R. Strelitz Diabetes Institutes.
The Diabetes Institutes Foundation continues to provide the financial support for the Institutes’ successful development as an international center of excellence. Support for the Foundation comes through the generosity of thousands of people and includes corporate gifts, foundation grants, special events, planned giving and specific campaigns including a year-end appeal, tribute program, workplace giving, memberships and designated individual gifts.
“Every 10 seconds, someone dies from diabetes.” (World Health Organization)
Increased attention is focusing on the growing global threat that diabetes poses to the world’s population.
The statistics are staggering as the incidence of Type 2 diabetes rises at a pandemic rate. In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control made the alarming prognosis that one in three children born in the United States after 2000 will develop Type 2 diabetes in their lifetime. In 2004, researchers at the World Health Organization predicted that on a global scale, diabetes will double by 2030, and that the United States will experience a far accelerated rate than what was previously expected with over 30 million Americans developing diabetes.
This enormous challenge is a call to action for all of us committed to the fight against this dangerous trend. We must strengthen our efforts to find a cure, prevent complications and provide the most effective treatment for everyone struggling with this life-threatening disease.
Through its groundbreaking programs, the Strelitz Diabetes Institutes of Eastern Virginia Medical School stand as a world leader in the fight against diabetes. The highly trained staff of the Wallach Clinical Care Institute, the Research Institute and the Education Institute work in close partnership to bring the latest research, treatments and education to a growing patient population.
With substantial funding from the Diabetes Institutes Foundation, the Institutes’ progress in innovative islet regeneration research continues to bring a new understanding to the biology of diabetes, and with it, brings hope that an effective new treatment will soon be available to millions of people. As scientists unlock the intricate mechanism of regeneration, they can devise additional therapies, and may soon be able to predict and prevent diabetes from ever occurring in many people.
Novel research at the Institutes is also leading to new therapies for the prevention and treatment of the most common complication of diabetes – neuropathy. With extensive clinical research into the causes of this complex condition, the Institutes’ research is paving the way. Just as its cure research is regenerating new islets, its neuropathy research is proving that nerve regeneration is possible. The Institutes is spearheading the creation of new treatments that will alleviate pain and restore function.
Though research provides new hope, we must face facts. Diabetes, and its underlying disorder, the dysmetabolic syndrome, will continue to expand without innovative patient care and education outreach programs.
With much to do and much to hope for in the fight against diabetes, the Diabetes Institutes Foundation has strengthened its commitment to the Strelitz Diabetes Institutes’ development.
Real need, real hope and real commitment will one day bring about a new reality – a world free of diabetes.
