The National Diabetes Education Program is a federally funded program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and includes over 200 partners at the federal, state, and local levels, working together to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with diabetes.
Purpose ^ top
Founded in 1997, the National Diabetes Education Program is a federally-sponsored initiative that involves public and private partners in efforts to improve the treatment and outcomes for people with diabetes, promote early diagnosis, and prevent or delay the onset of diabetes.
Sponsors ^ top
The U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesÌ National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) is jointly sponsored by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health and the Division of Diabetes Translation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with the support of more than 200 partner organizations.
Need ^ top
A growing epidemic, diabetes is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. It affects an estimated 20.8 million Americans, of whom 6.2 million are undiagnosed and at risk for disabling and life threatening diabetes complications. People with diabetes have an increased risk for heart attack and stroke, as well as kidney, eye, and nerve disease. Research shows that much of the illness and death caused by diabetes can be prevented or delayed by optimal management with healthy food choices, physical activity, and medications to normalize blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and lipids. Despite these improvements in health outcomes, a wide gap still exists between current and desired diabetes care and practices.
Research also shows that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed through modest weight loss and regular physical activity in the estimated 54 million adults with pre-diabetes who are at high risk for the disease. People with pre-diabetes have blood glucose levels that are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Goal ^ top
NDEPÌs goal is to reduce the illness and death caused by diabetes and its complications.
Objectives ^ top
NDEPÌs objectives are to:
Increase awareness and understanding of the seriousness of diabetes, its risk factors, and strategies for preventing diabetes and its complications among groups at risk.
Promote effective self-care among people with or at risk for diabetes.
Promote a comprehensive, patient-centered team approach to care.
Promote effective lifestyle change for people at risk for diabetes.
Promote health care policies that improve the quality of and access to diabetes care.
Reduce health disparities in racial and ethnic populations severely burdened by
Audiences ^ top
NDEPÌs target audiences include:
People with diabetes and their families.
People at risk for type 2 diabetes, with special attention to African Americans, Hispanics and Latinos, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, older adults, and women with a history of gestational diabetes and their children.
Health care professionals.
Health care payers, purchasers, and policy makers.
Strategies ^ top
NDEPÌs strategies are to:
Create program partnerships with organizations concerned about diabetes and the health status of their members.
Develop and implement ongoing diabetes awareness and education campaigns for health care professionals and people with or at risk for diabetes.
Identify, develop, promote, and disseminate educational tools and resources for people with diabetes and those at risk, including materials that address the needs of special populations.
Disseminate guiding principles that promote quality diabetes care to health care professionals, payers, purchasers, and policymakers.
Promote policies and activities to improve the quality of and access to care for people with and at risk for diabetes.
Address the economic case for quality diabetes care to inform health care payers, purchasers, and policymakers.
Steering Committee ^ top
NDEPÌs Steering Committee organizations include:
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Physician Assistants
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
American Association of Diabetes Educators
American College of Physicians
American Diabetes Association
American Dietetic Association
American Pharmacists Association
Association of American Indian Physicians
Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
Black WomenÌs Health Imperative
Diabetes Research and Training Centers
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
Khmer Health Advocates
Lions Clubs International
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
National Association of School Nurses
National Hispanic Medical Association
National Latina Health Network
National Medical Association
Papa Ola Lokahi
The Endocrine Society
Federal agency liaisons to the NDEP Steering Committee include:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Council of Diabetes Prevention and Control Programs
Health Resources and Services Administration/Bureau of Primary Health Care
Indian Health Service
Office of Minority Health, DHHS
National Kidney Disease Education Program
Veterans Health Administration
Getting Involved ^ top
NDEPÌs partners support and promote messages, campaigns, and materials. They are key to NDEPÌs success in changing the way diabetes is treated. Partners work with NDEP in a variety of ways to:
Adopt NDEPÌs messages and promote them within their organization and to the communities they serve.
Adapt and tailor messages for target audiences as appropriate.
Disseminate information and materials to media, community organizations, and target audiences.
Coordinate education activities and share resources with other partner organizations.
Work with NDEP to modify the health care delivery system to improve quality and access.
For More Information ^ top
To learn more about NDEP or to become a partner, contact:
Joanne Gallivan, M.S., R.D.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Phone: (301) 496-6110
Jane Kelly, M.D.
Division of Diabetes Translation
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Phone: (770) 488-5196
Visit NDEPÌs website at or call 1-800-438-5383 to obtain free diabetes materials. They may be downloaded, reproduced, and distributed without copyright restrictions.