Treatment strategies for diabetic patients suffering from erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is a common complication of diabetes. Clinical practice has no treatment modality specifically designed for the difficult to treat diabetic erectile dysfunction due to the multifactorial and complex pathophysiology of development. PDE type 5 inhibitors are the first-line treatment option. Non-responders should have total and free testosterone checked and testosterone replacement is recommended for hypogonadal patients. For patients who cannot take PDE type 5 inhibitors, or are proven non-responders, the vacuum constriction device continues to serve as a major treatment option. Intracavernosal injection is the most effective medical therapy for diabetic erectile dysfunction despite its high dropout rate. Use of the Medicated Urethral System for Erection to overcome the disadvantages of needle injection is disappointing due to lack of effectiveness. Penile prosthesis will continue to play an important role in diabetic patients with severe erectile dysfunction in coming years.

February 2008
Chen, Yun; Dai, Yutian; Wang, Run
Informa Healthcare

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