Understanding Erectile Dysfunction - Prevention
How Can I Prevent Erectile Dysfunction?
Because erectile dysfunction is often related to poor blood flow, take steps that improve your cardiovascular health. Here are some suggestions to try:

* Control your blood pressure, cholesterol level, and medical conditions like diabetes, and don't smoke.
* Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs that may reduce sexual desire or affect your ability to maintain an erection.
* Discuss side effects of medications with your doctor. Some medications, especially those used to treat high blood pressure can contribute to erectile dysfunction. Additionally, prostate disease drugs as well as antidepressants and other medications used to treat psychological conditions may cause erectile dysfunction.
* Try to establish open communication with your sexual partner as a way to ease tensions that could be affecting your performance.

Remember that occasional problems with erections are normal. Worrying about past failures can interfere with present pleasure.

Reviewed by Marcel Horowitz, MD on December 03, 2008
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