Voyager Diabetic Needle Disposal
Voyager Diabetic Needle Disposal
Major Concerns
1. The lack of safety and the inconvenience associated with used needle/syringe disposal have always created problems. Systems or containers that accept whole syringes actually encourage needle sticks and are dangerous! Accidental needle-sticks are a major problem that affect "innocents" - innocents include family members, friends, the community, waste collectors, landfill operators and above all......the general public.
2. Disabling the used needle only solves part of the problem. Both the needle and the syringe barrel must be destroyed! The syringe barrel must not remain useable - there should be no possibility of re-use!

The VOYAGER answers these problems providing a safe, portable, convenient and money-saving disposal unit for all sizes of insulin type diabetic syringes. Use at home or while traveling.
Simply insert the used needle/syringe into the top of the container until it stops. Twist the outside of the maroon colored top in the direction of the arrows. The used needle and a small portion of the syringe barrel are safely separated and contained within the VOYAGER. The remainder of the syringe barrel is safely destroyed and no longer useable preventing harmful accidental needle sticks.

Recommended By
Diabetes Educators and Patients, Endocrinologists and Physicians.

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