What is reactive hypoglycemia?
What is reactive hypoglycemia?

Reactive hypoglycemia refers to hypoglycemia that occurs after a meal. Reactive hypoglycemia can be seen in patients who have had surgical removal of the stomach (gastrectomy). In the absence of a stomach, glucose in the meal is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream through the intestines, causing sudden hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). In order to
correct this sudden hyperglycemia, excessive amounts of insulin are released by the pancreas, which drives the blood glucose down, causing hypoglycemia. The reactive hypoglycemia in gastrectomy patients occurs early, usually within 1 hour after a meal.
Reactive hypoglycemia is a condition in which the symptoms of low blood sugar appear 2 to 5 hours after eating foods high in glucose. The diagnosis of reactive hypoglycemia is considered only after other possible causes of low blood sugar have been ruled out. Generally there is no specific cause.

Reactive hypoglycemia can occur when blood glucose falls, stores of glucose from the liver are exhausted and an individual chooses not to eat. The body gradually adjusts to this situation by using muscle protein to feed glucose to brain cells and fat to fuel the other body cells, but before this adjustment takes place, an individual may experience symptoms of glucose deprivation to the brain. Symptoms such as: anxiety, hunger, dizziness, weakness, shaking muscles and racing heart may result. Most of these symptoms diminish five to ten minutes after eating a source of carbohydrate. Because these symptoms are common to many conditions, a health care provider should be consulted to assess an individual’s specific symptoms and concerns.

People with symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia unrelated to other medical conditions or problems are usually advised to follow a healthy eating plan. The doctor or dietitian may suggest that such a person avoid foods high in carbohydrates; eat small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day; exercise regularly; and eat a variety of foods, including whole grains, vegetables, and fruits
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