Complications of Diabetic Atherosclerosis include coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction (heart attack,)heart failure, and stroke, as well as other heart diseases, as well as complications in other parts of the body.

Complications of Diabetes
Complications of Diabetes Heart and Blood Vessel Problems This is the html version of the file
Complications of diabetes
Complications of diabetes Department of Podiatry Diabetes Mellitus - Lecture 2 Lecturer: Craig Payne This lecture will cover: Complications of diabetes Diab
Consequences and complications of diabetes
Consequences and complications of diabetes The first consequence of diabetes is the deterioration of your small and main arteries. The hyperglycemia and the increased level of fats i
Diabetes Mellitus: Atherosclerosis
Diabetes Mellitus: Atherosclerosis Diabetes Tutorial Persons with diabetes mellitus, either type I or type II, have early and accelerated atherosclerosis. The most serious complications of this
NHLBI Working Group Mechanistic and Pre-Clinical Studies of Diabetic Cardiovascular Complications
Purpose The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) convened a Working Group (WG) of investigators on June 7-8, 2006, in Bethesda, Maryland, on new research directions needed to understand
Skin Complications:Atherosclerosis
Skin Complications:Atherosclerosis American Diabetes Association Thickening of the arteries - atherosclerosis - can affect the skin on the legs. People with diabetes tend to get atherosclerosis