Diabetes News Sources: There are various sources of diabetic news and information on diabetes covering topics such as diabetes management, the effect of diet on diabetics, monitoring blood glucose, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, hypoglycemia, information on drugs such as metformin, glyburide and avandia, and the potential of a cure for diabetes.
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Focus on DiabetesPostgraduate Medicine is a peer-reviewed medical journal published for primary care physicians. Established in 1916, its mission is to provide relevant, practical, and authoritative medical informatio
In Diabetes TodayThe American Diabetes Association is the authoritative source of information about diabetes in the United States. Below are links to current news stories, research articles, and announcements directly
Science Daily: DiabetesScienceDaily is one of the Internet's leading online magazines and Web portals devoted to science, technology, and medicine. The free, advertising-supported service brings you breaking news about the