Because we are experts in the diabetic field we are able to help people who control their diabetic condition with the use of an insulin pump. We will help you in dealing with your insurance company to see if it is covered under your plan.
Insulin pumps are small electronic devices that you wear on your belt or in your pocket. They have a small flexible tube with a fine needle on the end. The needle is inserted under the skin of your abdomen and taped in place. The needles and tubing set are changed every few days. A carefully measured, continuous flow of a rapid-acting insulin is released into the tissue.
The insulin pump is designed to deliver a continuous amount of insulin, 24 hours a day according to a programmed plan unique to each pump user. A small amount of insulin is constantly delivered, this is called the basal rate. This is the amount of insulin needed to keep the blood sugar in the target range between meals and overnight.
Advantage Health Services
300 TechneCenter Dr, Suite B Ô Milford OH 45150
Phone: 1-800-682-8283 Ô Fax: 513-248-3079 Ô Email: