California Diabetes Foundation
California Diabetes Foundation
2275 Huntington Drive, #207
California Diabetes Foundation is a Southern California based non-profit organization, established with the aims of creating awareness of the emerging national epidemic of the new millennium - Diabetes among the general population. It is rightly said,“ the diabetics who know most live longest”. Diabetes Mellitus has taken epidemic proportions in USA in the last decade. Our mission is to educate Americans about Diabetes to create awareness and help in the prevention of this disease. We intend to help people with Diabetes improve their Quality of Life by managing their disease effectively. We will work with Healthcare Professionals and Minority Groups in California to foster Diabetes Awareness Programs for Ethnic Minority.
Some of the underlying factors for Diabetes, include faulty and unbalanced diet leading to obesity (especially “Perivisceral Fat Accumulation” which causes Insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus), sedentary life-style and genetic predisposition. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus on the other hand is an autoimmune disease seen in younger people who are thin or normal weight and prone to Ketosis and managed by Insulin and tight control of blood sugar is the goal to prevent complications. We hope to contribute to the well-being of this population by proper education and surveillance of diagnosed, undiagnosed and Pre-Diabetes. So our bottom line is to give information and knowledge about Diabetes to people for primary prevention of Diabetes and for secondary prevention of long-term complications in those who already have the disease.