Camp Carowanis Leader Program
Camp Carowanis Leader Program
For the summer of 2009 Camp Carowanis will launch a new Leader Program for its 16-year old campers. This new program will focus on developing leadership skills and provide a counselor-in-training program for those selected to participate in the program. After undergoing numerous changes and experimentation over the past few years, the new Leader Program will combine all of the best parts of the previous programs with new projects to ensure that campers spend an unforgettable summer at Carowanis.
Basic Information:
* Maximum of 12 Leaders, who must turn 16 years old by July 1, 2009.
* Must be present for the full 6 weeks of the program
* Will have the status of a ‘Leader’: same rules as campers but with certain counselor-in-training privileges.
* May choose a camp name
* The program will be 4 weeks of workshops, training and group activities, followed by 2 weeks of counselor-in-training work with younger campers under the supervision of a counselor.
* No inter-personal relationships between a Leader-camper or Leader-counselor will be tolerated.
* The Leaders must sign and respect a letter of commitment before camp.
Selection criteria:
* Last year’s camper evaluation
* Answers to the questionnaire
* Interview with the selection committee.
Requirements to participate in the Leader Program:
Before camp:
* Participation in a Leader Weekend (May 2009).
* Participation in at least one fundraising or volunteer event for Camp Carowanis and/or The Diabetic Children’s Foundation (May and/or June 2009).
During camp:
* Must be a good role model for younger campers (including diabetes management)
* Be a motivated and active participant in all Leader and Camp activities and workshops.
* Follow all the rules of camp.
* Respect of others and work as a team at all times.
* Follow the spirit and values of Camp Carowanis.
* Be a good member of the Great Tribe of Carowanis.
Application and Registration:
There are two parts to the application process: a written part and an interview.
The limit to receive the written application is April 30, 2009. All of the forms must be correctly completed on time. No exceptions. Any applications received after this date will be put on waiting list and may be accepted only if there is space remaining. Only applicants who can participate in the full 6-week program will be accepted.
The Camp Directors and the Head Leader will form a selection committee and look at every application and conduct interviews in early May. Once the interviews are completed, the selection committee will choose 12 applicants to become Leaders and counselors-in-training.
The chosen Leaders must read and sign a letter of commitment to ensure they fully understand the rules and requirements of the program.
In addition to the important status the Leaders have at camp, the program will prepare the participants to become great leaders and role models both in and outside of camp. The program contains many workshops and activities to reinforce team-building skills, animation techniques, group work, a greater sense of responsibility towards young campers and diabetes, the importance of responsible diabetes management and much more. Leaders will also follow a certified CPR course during the summer, and also have the opportunity to plan a 4-day canoe trip at the La Verendrye Provincial Park.
The Leaders will have a progressive evaluation at the end of each session by the Head Leader. If a Leader does not pass the evaluation, he/she will not be permitted to return the following session. The evaluation will be based on the rules and requirements listed above, and in the letter of commitment signed before camp.
Benefits of Being a Leader:
After having followed and completed the Leader program, the participants may apply as a counsellor the following year. A Leader is absolutely not guaranteed a position at Camp Carowanis, but will be among the first to be granted an interview. If a Leader is hired by camp as a counsellor, they will automatically jump to a 2nd year counsellor’s salary as a bonus for having been chosen as a Leader.
If you are not chosen to be a Leader:
Space in the Leader Program is very limited, and we are aware that there may be disappointment for those not chosen to participate in this program. Unfortunately, our resources at camp do not allow us to accept more that 12 Leaders at this time.
It is important to note that not being chosen as a Leader does not mean that you cannot apply for a job at Carowanis next year when your turn 17. Anyone can apply and follow the same hiring process as all our employees.