Camp Kyle T. Woodruff
Camp Kyle T. Woodruff
170 Pleasant Street
Fall River, MA 02721
(508) 672-5671
Mission Statement: To foster friendships among children with diabetes, their siblings and friends through a safe, active program while enabling them to learn about and face the common challenges of diabetes.
Camp Kyle is a friends place where youth with diabetes, ages 5-14, their siblings and friends benefit from hands-on learning experiences in diabetes management and support.
Camp Kyle runs for four weeks during the months of July and August and is held at the beautiful Camp Buxton in Rehoboth, MA. Camp Kyle’s small enrollment and a staff-to-camper ratio of one-to-four ensures a quality camp program in which the campers receive plenty of attention, supervision and a variety of camp experiences. The program includes camp crafts, sports and games, nature/nutrition, and diabetes education.
The following ensures your child’s health and safety at Camp Kyle:
* Registered Nurses (RNs) on site
* Local pediatrician as the camp Health Care Consultant
* Staff who are trained by a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)
* Staff members who are trained in First Aid and CPR
* Policies and procedures in compliance with the MA Department of Public Health
* Diabetes regimen followed
* Appropriate snacks and drinks provided
* Accredited member of the American Camping Association (ACA)
* Member of the Diabetes Education and Camping Association (DECA)
Family membership to DAI is required for camp enrollment.
Camp Kyle costs $25/week for all children with diabetes from the communities of Greater Fall River and New Bedford which are served by DAI; Fall River, New Bedford, Acushnet, Assonet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Freetown, Marion, Mattapoisett, Rochester, Somerset, Swansea, Wareham, and Westport in Massachusetts and Little Compton and Tiverton, RI.
* Children with diabetes who live outside of our service area are welcome. Please call for more information.
* Limited transportation provided.
* Extended time for pick-up and drop-off is 8:30am to 4:30pm