Consumer Guide to Buying Glucose Monitors
Consumer Guide to Buying Glucose Monitors
With so many glucose monitors on the market today some individuals can get confused about which one to use. One consideration that should play no part in your decision is the cost of the meter. Most manufacturers are happy to practically give you a monitor so that you're forced to buy their test strips. Each manufacturer makes a different test strip, and they're not interchangeable from one monitor to another. Some even make a different strip for each individual monitor type.
Because the meters are so cheap and the science is changing so rapidly, it's a good idea to get a new glucose monitor every 1-2 years to make sure that you have the latest, state of the art model. The cost of most diabetic test strips are generally about the same from meter to meter, so cost shouldn't play a big role in your decision.
Choosing a blood glucose monitor is definitely based on personal preference. If you are a very active person, a smaller, compact monitor may be more important to you. Individuals with certain visual disabilities may require a larger display. Some monitors allow you to transfer the readings directly to your computer.
Please visit the web site to read the consumer guide in its entirety.