Dangerous complications of hypoglycemia in Diabetes Mellitus.
Dangerous complications of hypoglycemia in Diabetes Mellitus.
by Shergill, Nov 27, 2006
Diabetes Mellitus is a condition which affects many people in the developing and developed world, It is a metabolic disorder which interferes with the metabolism of sugars. Patients who become hypoglycemic may experience many complications. Preventing these complicatins is essential for good health and longevity. This article is essential reading for Nurses and diabetic patients.
Dangerous Complications of Hypoglycemia in Diabetes mellitus .
Hypoglycemia is defined as a condition during which the blood sugar is less than 3.3 mmols / Liter. Prolonged periods of hypoglycemia cause functional/bodily changes which need to be identified and treated for optimal functioning.
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