Diabetes Education Online
Whether you are newly diagnosed or simply in need of more information about diabetes, this website Ò created by UCSF's Diabetes Teaching Center Ò can help. Diabetes management is a lifestyle, and while we understand it is not a lifestyle that you would have chosen, it is one that you can master to stay healthy.
About this Website
Why have diabetes education online?
It is a supply and demand problem! Because the rate of diabetes is increasing so rapidly, the need for diabetes education and medical care far exceeds the number of dedicated diabetes care providers.
According to the latest statistics, in the United States there are over 23 million individuals with diabetes and 57 million with pre-diabetes cared for by only 4 thousand diabetes medical specialists. Very few individuals with diabetes can expect to see a diabetes specialist Ò but everyone with internet access can get educated about diabetes!
What is special about the UCSF Diabetes Teaching CenterÌs Diabetes Education Online?
* It is a complete online school or curriculum/course - we offer a comprehensive Diabetes Self Management Education program that covers the American Diabetes Association recommended topics and more.
* This website mirrors a successful teaching program given to thousands of patients at UCSF over the last 30 years.
* You can read information that is specific for your needs.
We offer:
o A complete, separate curriculum for type 1 patients
o A complete, separate curriculum for type 2 patients
o Sub-curriculum for type 2 patients based on treatment
* Self-assessment quizzes help you determine how much you have learned
* Focus is on Ïunderstanding = improved managementÓ Ò explaining why to do something, as well as what to do. The site provides:
o Detailed explanations
o Scientific background
o Problem solving sections
o Self Management instruction
* Additional resources in the ÏLibraryÓ section for both you and medical providers including printable handouts of key tables, charts, and illustrations and video access to Diabetes Teaching Center Symposia
What is the goal of Diabetes Education Online?
If you are newly diagnosed, this website can help you understand diabetes, and facilitate the necessary lifestyle changes to manage your care. If you are already living with diabetes, this program provides training in the latest advances in self-care and problem-solving skills.
Who is the audience?
Everyone with internet access who can read English. Foreign language versions are planned in the future. It is of interest to everyone with type 1 and type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes and to their health care providers.
How do I use the website?
1. Choose type 1 or type 2 diabetes Ò if you are not sure what kind of diabetes you have, please read the Types of Diabetes Section to find out more.
2. The information can be read in any order; however, if you are newly diagnosed or would like a comprehensive update, it is best to read the sections sequentially
3. The website provides you with concepts and ideas for managing your health; but as diabetes management is unique to each individual, you will need to work with your health care providers to create a personal plan of care.
This website gratefully acknowledges the contributions of Ms. Peggy Huang and the other diabetes educators who continue to build the UCSF Diabetes Teaching Center programs.
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143
415/476-9000 (campus operator)