Mental health prolems associated with diabetes.
Mental health prolems associated with diabetes.
Diabetes Daily
Hello All. I have been injecting twelve years and seem to have developed a lot of the usual problems, severe peripheral neuropathy is the worse, even morph' doesn't subdue the pain. I have non-healing foot ulcers and a considerable degree of insulin resistance but so far no problems with my eyes. I am UK based and over here there is no single source of comprehensive information on diabetes. One tends to learn a new scrap of info' every week. I saw Dans' recent posting. where he said he had started thinking about the future. Suddenly tonight, before finding this site, for no reason I went on Google and typed in "diabetes life expectancy". Normally I shrug off the problems I have but suddenly I felt crushed by thoughts of the future (The fear of a stroke and being helpless, dependant on others, scares the heck out of me all of a sudden) Perhaps I am being foolish, but does any one know of any mental problems associated with our condition. I don't mean those triggered by dwelling on the problems but those actually triggered by diabetes. I know one panic attack doesn't consitute a 'problem' but I am wondering if mental health problems figure later on in diabetes. Thank you for your time. James.
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