Ohio Regional School Nurse Conferences - May 3 - 4, 2009 - Mason, OH
Ohio Regional School Nurse Conferences
May 3 - 4, 2009
Sunday and Monday
The Great Wolf Lodge
2501 Great Wolf Drive
Mason, OH 45040
$129 single or double
800/913-9653, Reserve by April 2, 2009
Conference Overview
The American School Health Association (ASHA) will convene three regional conferences in Ohio. The purpose is to provide current information and continuing nursing education contact hours relevant to school health services to school nurses throughout Ohio. CHES will also be available.
The Pre-Conference Workshop registration fee of $30 includes a light dinner, materials, and continuing nursing education (CNE). The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) is providing the speakers for this year's Pre- Conference Workshop. The topics include ODH Emergency Preparedness Update; and Psychological First Aide.
The Conference registration fee of $65 includes continental breakfast, lunch, materials, and continuing nursing education (CNE). Topics for the full-day conference will include Grief & Separation; Ohio School Nurse Practice Pearls; Jarod's Law; Boundaries and the School Nurse (Law); Bed Bugs in the Community and School; and an update from the Ohio Department of Health (ODH).
Registration Information
For registration information, contact Sara Kline at skline@ashaweb.org
or 1-800-445-2742.
Exhibit Opportunities
For exhibit information, contact Mary Bamer Ramsier at mbramsier@ashaweb.org
or 330/678-1601, ext. 127.
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH), along with the ODH Regional School Nurse Conference Planning Committee, assisted in developing agendas and recruiting presenters for the Pre-Conference and All-Day Conference. A special thanks to ODH for their assistance with securing conference speakers for both days.