Oregon Medical Insurance Pool (OMIP)
The Oregon Medical Insurance Pool (OMIP) is the high-risk health insurance pool for the state. OMIP was established by the Oregon Legislature to cover adults and children who are unable to obtain medical insurance because of health conditions.
OMIP also provides a way to continue insurance coverage for those who exhaust COBRA benefits and have no other options.
You may be eligible for coverage if you are an Oregon resident and you meet any of the following medical or portability requirements.
Medical requirements
Within the last six months:
* I have received a declination of individual health insurance coverage due to health reasons.
* I have one or more of the medical conditions listed in Section C of the OMIP application.
* I was offered individual health insurance coverage that contained a restrictive waiver that substantially reduced the coverage offered by excluding coverage for a specific medical condition.
* I was offered individual health insurance coverage but was limited by the choice of plans the carrier was willing to offer me due to a specific medical condition.
Oregon Medical Insurance Pool
C/O Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon MS 5K
P.O. Box 1271
Portland, OR 97207-1271
(800) 848-7280