Pri-Med Access 2009 in Raleigh, NC
Pri-Med Access 2009 in Raleigh, NC
Date: May 29-30, 2009
Venue: Raleigh Convention Center
Insights on Caring for Complex Patients
Pri-Med Access is a new, local, two-day conference with a cutting-edge curriculum that focuses on the management of the patient, not presentations of bench science.
You'll address the toughest challenges you face every day in primary care: complex clinical presentations, multiple comorbidities, on-the-spot decision making, and more.
Developed and taught by leading clinicians, the program's four areas of focus include:
1. Cardiovascular Disease
Managing Risk: Navigating Complexities in Blood Pressure and Lipids Management to Attenuate Cardiovascular Risk
2. Diabetes and Obesity
Our Obesogenic Culture: Addressing the Epidemics of Diabetes and Obesity
3. Immunizations
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: Achieving Success Is Every Clinician’s Responsibility
4. Dependency Disorders
Focused Consults: Addressing Dependency Disorders in a 15-minute Visit
Why Should You Attend?
* Sessions feature challenging, real-world case studies.
* Well respected, knowledgeable presenters actively engaged in clinical practice share their patient care experiences.
* Immediately apply what you learn in the care of your patients.
* Expand your knowledge by attending optional, Non-CME industry-funded presentations on the latest therapeutic products.
Marketing Partners
Pri-Med partners with local healthcare associations, managed care organizations, and publications in order to ensure that all practicing clinicians have the opportunity to attend. Pri-Med would like to thank the following partners for this program to date: Aetna, and American Society of Hypertension, Inc.
© 2009 M|C Communications