Minnesota Department of CommerceMinnesota Department of Commerce
(651) 296-4026 or (800) 657-3916
In Minnesota, state law allows health insurance companies to turn people down for individual health insurance coverage b
MinnesotaCare - State Health Insurance Program MinnesotaCare - State Health Insurance Program
Phone: (800) 657-3672
(651) 297-3862 (Twin Cities)
(651) 282-5100 (fax)
TTY: (800) 627-3529 or 711
MinnesotaCare is the health insurance prog
S.F. No. 495 S.F. No. 495 was introduced February 2007 to amend 62A.45 to include outpatient diabetes eductation and training.
CHAPTER 57-S.F.No. 495 An act relating to insurance; health; requiring coverage for
§62A.45 - 1994 law§62A.45 - 1994 law Covers supplies, outpatient self-management training and education, including medical nutrition therapy.
Summary of Provisions
* Requirement related to diabetes? Yes