RIte Care and RIte Share
RIte Care and RIte Share
RIte Care provides families on the Family Independence Program and eligible
uninsured pregnant women, parents, and children up to age 19 with
comprehensive health coverage. Families receive most of their health care through
one of three participating Health Plans: Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island,
United Healthcare of New England and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of RI.
RIte Share can help families get health insurance coverage through their employer
(or spouse’s employer). If a family qualifies, RIte Share will pay for all or part
of the employee’s share of the health insurance premium. RIte Share also pays for
co-payments in the employer’s health insurance plan.
You can go to a local DHS office to apply or you can
print a copy of the application and apply by mail.
For more information, call the DHS Info Line
(401) 462-5300 English or Spanish
(401) 462-3363 TTY